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All filters for your machine

We keep you digging

At Boar we do everything we can to make finding the right filter for your machine as easy as possible. For all construction machines we have exactly the right air filter, cabin filter, oil filter, hydraulic filter or fuel filter from all major brands; Donaldson, Fleetguard, Hifi, Mann, Fil Filter and Filtrec. Our search function by make and model allows you to quickly find the right filter for your specific excavator, dumper, backhoe loader, tractor, shovel or truck.

The brands we cover

Caterpillar →Case →DAFJohn Deere →DeereKubota →Volvo TrucksCASE IHVolvo CE →TerexGinafIvecoNew-HollandLiebherr →Hyundai →MANFendtDoosan →Komatsu →ScaniaMassey-FergusonHitachi →SanyMercedes-BenzValtraSennebogenDeutz-Fahr

Latest Blogs

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Importance of air filtration for your machine

5 most common mistakes with air filters

Fuel filters high pressure on performance

Fuel filters, high pressure on performance

5 things you didn't know about air filters

5 things you didn't know about air filters

Fleetguard filters for when the going gets tough

Fleetguard, filters for when the going gets tough

The importance of oil filters

The importance of oil filters

Why a more expensive filter is often the cheaper choice

Why a more expensive filter is often the cheaper choice

How air filters work

Air filters, how they work

Filter cross reference on make and model machine

Filter cross reference, how does that work?

Filter comparison

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All filter cross-references in one handy tool

Sometimes you can almost get lost in all the filters out there. Fortunately, many brands have extensive cross reference lists. That's nice in itself, of course, but searching through all these lists in search of the right alternative is time-consuming. What you want is to immediately see all alternatives for the filter you are looking for. This allows you to quickly and easily find the right filter.
We have summarized all comparison lists of all our brands in the tool. This means you no longer have to visit all the individual lists of the brands. This saves a lot of time and allows you to get back to work quickly. This article gives many insights in how our filter cross reference works.
Simply enter your item number and see all alternatives at a glance. Keep digging!

Based in the Netherlands, delivery throughout the EU

Boar is located in Ulft, the Netherlands. Ulft is a small town in the east of the Netherlands. Perhaps not well known, but we like to think that Ulft is the center of Europe. If you draw a circle it is exactly in the middle of Europe. From our warehouse we can deliver to all countries within the EU.

37,000 filters, always in stock

We always have all popular filters in stock in our warehouse. Popular is a broad term for us, because we find more than 37,000 filters popular.
Because we have such a large stock, you can always contact us for the right part. If we do not have your favorite filter in stock, you can always see which alternatives we do have.

Search by make & model

At Boar we have the largest database of agricultural and construction machines with all associated filters. Because we have also included this database in our filter webshop, you can easily find the right filter for your machine. We have been building this database for years and we add new data every day from the cross reference lists of our brands.

Discover our brands

At Boar we only work with the best brands. There are so many suppliers of filters, but you can never tell from looking at a filter whether it does what you expect. Because you want to keep your machine in top condition, we only have filters from the absolute top in filtration in our range. With us you will find the brands; Mann, Fleetguard, Donaldson, Hengst, Fil Filter, Filtrec and Argo-Hytos.

So you can get back to work

If you need a filter for your machine, you should be able to find it easily, get it quickly and for a good price.
Together with our Boar team, we always have in mind how we can make it even easier.

Gerben Peet
General Manager Boar B.V.

Boar B.V. Hutteweg 32 7071 BV Ulft Netherlands
[email protected] KVK: 88580539 VAT: NL864703223B01 LinkedIn