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Different types of hydraulic filters

Construction machinery relies heavily on efficient hydraulic systems, which in turn depend on impeccable hydraulic oil for smooth operation. If the fluids and oil are not in perfect condition, your components, especially motors, pumps, valves and cylinders, can be damaged beyond repair, leading to costly parts replacement and repair bills. To maintain the purity of hydraulic fluid and prevent contamination, several hydraulic filters must be in optimal condition. Each filter has its own unique place and purpose within the system and addresses specific contamination problems.

Return Filter

Positioned along the return line, hydraulic return filters purify the hydraulic fluid after it has navigated the hydraulic system.

Placed along the return line, the return filters purify the hydraulic oil after it passes through the system and ensure that the oil is free of contaminants before it re-enters the reservoir. Their strategic placement ensures that the fluid returning to the reservoir is uncontaminated, maintaining reservoir integrity and providing clean oil for the next circulation cycle.

Suction filter

Hydraulic suction filters act as gatekeepers, ensuring contaminants from the reservoir don't threaten the pump's operations.

Hydraulic suction filters are located between the hydraulic reservoir and the hydraulic pump and act as gatekeepers, ensuring that contaminants from the reservoir do not compromise pump operation. Their main function is to protect the pump by filtering out large particles. However, their role is delicate; if they become blocked, the pump may run out of fluid, leading to inefficient operation. Regular checks are therefore essential to prevent pump starvation.

In line filter

Seamlessly integrated within the hydraulic fluid's trajectory, in-line filters offer the flexibility of placement anywhere within the hydraulic system.

Seamlessly integrated into the path of the hydraulic fluid, in-line filters provide the flexibility to place them anywhere in the hydraulic system. If there is a component prone to contaminant release, the problem can be nipped in the bud by placing an in-line filter downstream. The design is usually streamlined, minimising flow disruption while intercepting contaminants to the maximum extent possible.

Pressure filter

Crafted to withstand and operate in high-pressure conditions, hydraulic pressure filters are typically found after hydraulic pumps or other areas of high pressure.

Hydraulic pressure filters are made to withstand and operate under high pressure. They are usually found after hydraulic pumps or other high-pressure areas. Their mission? To protect delicate components such as actuators or valves from potential contaminants in the pressurised fluid. Given the demanding conditions under which they operate, their construction is particularly robust so that contaminants from high-pressure phases do not impede the downstream components of the system.

Ventilation and Breather Filter

Hydraulic reservoirs need constant atmospheric equilibrium, adjusting to fluid dynamics and temperature shifts. Ventilation filters, affixed to the reservoir's breather points, ensure clean air exchange.

Hydraulic reservoirs need constant atmospheric equilibrium, adjusting to fluid dynamics and temperature shifts. Ventilation filters, affixed to the reservoir's breather points, ensure clean air exchange. In environments like construction sites, laden with dust and particulates, these filters become the unsung heroes, preventing environmental contaminants from trespassing into the hydraulic fluid via the reservoir.


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